Editor & Publisher

Benét J. Wilson

Director, Poynter-koch Media and Journalism Fellowship

First job in news:

I was a reporter for the Employment and Training News, published by BNA (now Bloomberg Industry Group).

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned while working in news?

Keep learning. I started my career on a typewriter and am still working today because I’m always learning new things. Nurture and grow your network. Thanks to mine, every job

I’ve had since 1992 has been because of my network. Know your worth. Don’t be afraid to negotiate salary and perks when offered a new job or a promotion.

When you reflect on your career to date, what brings you the greatest sense of accomplishment?

Hands down, it’s the hundreds of people I’ve mentored during my career. It brings me such a sense of accomplishment and pride because so many of them are doing well in their careers and paying it forward.

What are your predictions for where news publishing/news media is heading?

I see more focus on local and issuespecific news. The time for general assignment reporters at legacy print publications is fading. Readers are more sophisticated and demanding about the news they want to read.

The legacy outlets that will survive are the ones that fully embrace digital, pay employees what they’re worth and be laser-focused on the needs of the communities they serve.

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Editor and Publisher