Editor & Publisher


Since a young age, I have had a deep appreciation for the power of economics to solve complicated problems. I founded Mather Economics to blend the best of my experiences from my education and early career experiences in a corporate role, a business consulting firm, and an academic economics department.

Mather Economics is different from most firms in that we help companies apply analytics to their businesses using a retainer-based relationship model. We offer “analytics as a service” to clients, including all the necessary elements of a successful analytics-based process: opportunity identification, data collection, advanced analytics, implementation support, A/B testing, performance reporting, and business consulting.

We are known for subscriber pricing optimization, but we also work on subscriber acquisition, retention campaigns, content analytics, and revenue forecasting. We use rigorous A/B testing to validate our analytics are accurate and recommendations are working as expected. Most of our clients have worked with us for many years. Our goal is to be a business partner and not a vendor to our clients, and we appreciate the trust we have been given to handle our client’s data and help them manage their subscriber relationships.

Devlyn Brooks is president of Modulist, which he founded for the family-owned Forum Communications Co., headquartered in Fargo, N.D. Modulist processes 17 different categories of paid and unpaid content for all media.

Modulist's tagline is “Publish Life’s Stories.” And that is our mission: matching people and businesses wanting to publish their stories in local media. We provide a world-class online portal where clients submit their content, such as obituaries, milestones, business announcements and paid letters to the editor directly to one or multiple media outlets, with a single transaction.

We collect the payment up front from the consumer; they build their ad in our intuitive and user-friendly portal; we do the quality assurance on the order; and then we provide a pdf for printed publications and export a digital file for content management systems. Most importantly, our process assures that you keep your community content on your platforms.






Editor and Publisher