Editor & Publisher

Warren C. Dews Jr.

Vice President and Publisher, Capital Region Independent Media, Clifton Park, New York

First job in news:

Telemarketer for Gannett Suburban Newspapers in White Plains,

New York.

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned while working in news?

We work for a product that has been one of the most important brands/businesses in our local market.

When you reflect on your career to date, what brings you the greatest sense of accomplishment?

Making those people that poured into my career proud — especially my parents.

What are your predictions for where news publishing/news media is heading?

We must ensure we remain essential enough that people are willing to support us financially. We also need to give people what they can’t get elsewhere — local news. We need to be the company/business/ partner in the community that always reaches out to them.

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Editor and Publisher