Editor & Publisher

Dennis Wade

Publisher, Coastal Bend Publishing, Beeville, Texas — publisher of six weekly paid community newspapers, a lifestyle magazine, an umbrella website and an indoor digital billboard network.

First job in news: Advertising sales

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned while working in news?

What we do matters greatly and is mission-critical to a thriving community. People must understand and accept that if they want a trusted community newspaper, they must be willing to pay for it, monetarily and supportively.

When you reflect on your career to date, what brings you the greatest sense of accomplishment?

There is nothing in leadership that is more gratifying and fulfilling than being directly involved in the professional growth of others.

What are your predictions for where news publishing/news media is heading?

The community news media business is very challenging. Therefore, we must continually shout the value and importance of businesses and organizations utilizing our products to message their brands while enjoying the additional and important benefit of supporting local journalism.

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Editor and Publisher